Welcome to Brackish Bay

Amongst the high waves and the salty air, you feel at home on your ship. Floating with such ease as the wind carries her as fast as you can. Looming in the distance, a Fleet turns as if one unifying body in your direction. Who could they be? Pirates, merchants, travelers, Vikings? Sure, on the open sea anything is possible but what to do? Where to go? And before you can even turn the helm, the Captain stands before you and offers out their hand in friendship. You look perplexed and bewildered at such a kind gesture. “Who are these people, and what do they want with me?” you may ask. With a smile on their face and a twinkle in their eye, the Captain says “My friend, would you like to join the Fleet of Brackish Bay?”

Welcome Aboard! Brackish Bay is a new group formed in Maryland consisting of old friends, bar flies, songbirds, crafters and general wanderers and explorers of all things wonderful and potentially dangerous. Mostly supervised… Mostly. This foam fighting group follows the Dagorhir Ruleset and Weapon Builds, and focuses its events in the southern counties of Maryland. This Realm does hold a nautical theme, but we welcome any units or fighters of whatever background they desire. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Check the events tab to see what events may be happening. All are welcome! Who knows, maybe you’ll start a crew of your own and be a member of The Fleet. Cheers, and may calm seas await you.

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